
Noam Chomsky & the Alien perspective – Episode 284 (English)

We meet Noam Chomsky (and his wife) in his office at MIT in Cambridge. Tilo asks Noam to pretend to be an alien for a moment. An alien who looks down on Earth. What does he witness? Chomsky explains what the objective observer from out of space would see: What is humanity up to in the 21st century? Will it be our final century? Are we going to survive? What existential dangers are we facing? What’s the most dangerous organization in human history?

Tilo and „Alien Chomsky“ also talk about the American Empire: Is it going to last? Is America the exception to the rule of Empires always falling? What about Obama’s drone program? Is Obama a terrorist? Is Germany part of a terrorist organization? Is Martin Luther King still right about his government?
Thanks to more than a thousand supporters who helped produce this episode with Noam Chomsky! You are all being credited at the end of the episode and below. The listing on IMDb still takes time…

Team Jung & Naiv: Juliane Schreiber, Alexander Theiler & Tilo Jung

Subtitles provided by: Cristian Wente
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Transcript (by Elka Sloan):

Tilo: All right, Jung & Naiv, we are … in Boston, are we in Boston?

Chomsky: No, we are in Cambridge.

Is that different?

Across the river.

And who are you?

I’m Noam Chomsky, I have been at MIT, where we now are, for 65 years, I’m now a retired professor.

And you still have an office.

I still have an office. They’re nice to me.

Why would they be nice?

Maybe because they like me.

I heard you are a little famous … are you still famous?

That’s for other people to decide.

I read a lot about you, and I want to start with one point you always make in your books, about the “alien perspective”. Could you … let’s pretend you are an alien and watch – on Earth. What are you witnessing, like, in terms of politics?

Well, if you are an alien with a kind of a long stretch of understanding, maybe hundreds of thousands of years, and you’re watching what’s going on on Earth, you’d be pretty surprised.


About two hundred thousand years ago, a new species appeared on Earth, humans, radically different from all others, as we can tell by just looking around. For a long time they kind of just wandered around the Earth, called hunter/gatherers, hunting, picking fruit and things like that. But about a thousand years ago, they underwent a big change. They started settled agriculture, they started building cities, started expanding, started having wars, developed complex cultures … And during the last ten thousand years, they have expanded all over the Earth, some, they already had, but much more densely settled, they have … in this country, for example, they immigrated from originally England, and pretty much wiped out the indigenous population, and conquered a large part of the land … and so things continued … during the 20th century they had massive wars of mutual destruction.

In 1945 they entered a new, a dramatic new era, the nuclear age, in which they had devised means to destroy themselves. And they have been living under the shadow of this threat, which is a very serious one, for 70 years, up and back, now increasing again …  And at the same time, though we didn’t know it at the time, I’m old enough to remember it, we now know that at about the same time a new geological epoch began. The geologists divide all of history into different epochs, Pleistocene, Holocene … most of them last millions of years. This new one began … geologists now place it approximately at the end of the Second World War. It’s the period when very dramatic changes took place in the environment, caused by human activity. That’s why it’s called the Anthropocene, the human geological epoch, in which humans began to radically transform the environment, and now to the point where they’re on the verge of destroying themselves.

So, going back to this interested alien, what he sees is that this remarkable species developed higher intelligence, and it is now using it in order to destroy itself, and is on the verge of destruction. And they might watch something like the current electoral campaign, everyone’s paying attention to it, and notice a very curious fact: none of this is being discussed. What’s being discussed is tweets at 3 a.m., you know, various kinds of vulgarity, anything, but serious problems. And the two, the most serious problem that ever has arisen in human history, namely, are we gonna survive, is not being discussed.

Why not?

That’s an interesting question. The extraterrestrial alien might be asking himself, what strange form of intelligence is it that enables great accomplishments to be achieved, but is unable to ask the question “will we survive?” and “how can we ensure our survival?”

Of course there are plenty of people doing it. They’re just off the mainstream, so you don’t see it in the electoral campaign, you don’t see it in media commentary … You do see it in popular activism, all over. And that’s another fact that the alien might be intrigued by.

So, if you’re the alien, how do you explain that after 200 000 years humanity hasn’t united?

It’s tried in various times. In 1945, at the beginning of the nuclear age, it was recognized by people who were thinking, that we simply have to unite in order to overcome the threat we have created to our own existence. Albert Einstein for one said this as soon as the atom bomb went off, he said this means that we must have world government, or else we’re finished. And others drew the same conclusion. In fact, if we go back to the late Forties, some of the top bestsellers were discussions of how we can move on to world government. And there was an effort. It’s called the United Nations. Which at the beginning … it was hoped … would have promise of moving in this direction. But it was pretty quickly undermined by competing nationalisms, actually, the United States was of course in the lead, because at the end of the Second World War the US had enormous … historic … enormous power, without any historical precedent, even remotely like it, it had about half the world’s wealth, which is incredible. Other industrial societies had been destroyed or severely harmed.

The US economy gained enormously during the war. Manufacturing quadrupled, new technologies were developed; it was poised to be the dominant world power at a level that had never been seen in history. Ah, things have changed to some extent since, but it is still, to a substantial extent, true. So the US initiatives and actions were pretty critical. And in the early years, see, the US used its power to turn, to dominate the United Nations and basically to turn into a battering ram against its major enemies, the Soviet Union. So in the early years of the United Nations, if you look at vetoes of Security Council resolutions, they were almost all Russian, because the UN was being used as a way to attack the Russians. Often for legitimate reasons, but nevertheless that’s how it was used. That has changed over the years, but not in a way that has made the UN a functioning, independent force that might bring people together.

So during the Nineteen-Fifties other industrial societies began to reconstruct from the war, decolonization began; some parts of the world, huge parts of the world that had been colonies of the European powers, gained some measure of independence. All of that led to a more diversified international system, and US power within the UN, though still overwhelming, began to decline. Vetoes of resolutions are a pretty good measure of it. Up until 1970, there were no US vetoes. From 1970 to the present, the United States is way in the lead when in to vetoing resolutions, because it’s become increasingly isolated from large parts of world opinion.

Americans probably aren’t aware of this, but there are polls of international opinion, carried out by the major US polling agencies, not the Russian, no hostile enemies, like, Gallup polls, and one of the questions they ask is “which country is the greatest threat to world peace?” … and the United States is way ahead – nobody is even close. This does not get reported in the United States, so people don’t know about it …

Is it true?

Is it true? That’s what most of the world thinks.

What do you think?

Oh, I think there’s very good reason to believe it. We don’t like to look at it that way, but …

… we’re the good guys … the West …

Not the West, the United States. But every other great power has also thought of itself as the good guys. It was true of Britain when it was running the world, it was true of France when it was a dominant power, it was true of Hitler-Germany, it was true of fascist Japan, and in fact, it’s kind of universal. Every state that has any degree of power regards itself as uniquely admirable or magnificent, and doesn’t understand why the rest of the world doesn’t perceive their angelic character. That’s historically universal. Probably it is true of Genghis Kahn, though we have no records.

So … ah … let’s stick with the alien perspective again, if you say global warming and the nuclear age still has to be resolved, like, we have to fix those problems – if we don’t fix them, will the 21st century be the final, the last century of humanity?

Probably not of humanity, but of organized human life on Earth. So for example … if there is a nuclear war, which has come very close many times, sometimes by accident, pure accident, I could give you some examples which are harrowing, but sometimes by reckless actions. The threat is now increasing. Some of the leading mainstream specialists, nuclear strategists, people like William Perry, former Defense Secretary, argue that the threat of nuclear war today is greater than it was during the Cold War.


Today. And others agree. There is a journal called the “Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists”. It’s a major journal of atomic scientists. It opened right at the beginning of the nuclear age, in 1947, two years after the atomic bombing. They established what they calling a Doomsday Clock, a clock with a minute hand. The question is: How far is the minute hand from midnight? Midnight means termination, we’re done. Every year they collect a group of specialists, experts, to try to set the minute hand. Two years ago they moved it two minutes closer to midnight. Now, three minutes to midnight, which is very close, the closest it’s been since the early Nineteen-Eighties, when there was a major war scare – we almost came to war. So it’s not just William Perry – plenty of others. Incidentally, when they moved it to midnight, it was not just because of a threat of nuclear war, it was also because of the failure of governments to deal with the increasing threat of environmental catastrophe. And it’s serious. So just take one element: Rising sea levels. That’s not in question any longer; sea levels are rising, and in fact faster than they have in recorded history. Just consider a country like Bangladesh. It’s a low-lying coastal plain; it has hundreds of millions of people. As the sea level rises slightly, those people are going to have to flee. New the chief environmental scientist of Bangladesh recently warned that tens of millions of people are going to have to flee in the coming years, just from sea level rising. And he made an interesting comment. He said that if we lived in a just world, these people would be admitted into the rich countries, the United States, England, and others, because those are the countries that are responsible for it, and have the capacity to absorb them.

If we think we have an immigrant crisis today, which is non-existent, what is it going to be like when tens of millions of people are fleeing from rising sea levels? And that’s just the beginning. Just keep to South Asia. The water supply of South Asia comes mostly from glaciers in the Himalaya Mountains. They are melting. What happens when they disappear? Thea are melting pretty fast. There goes the water supply for South Asia. Couple of billion people. In India alone, right now, there are already, about, estimated, 300 million people who barely have access to water. What’s going to happen to them? It’s all over the place. Our coastal cities are going to disappear, and the extreme weather events will increase …

Right now, there are … about one person per second is fleeing from the effects of severe weather. That’s more than the number of refugees. And that’s going to increase. We are facing a major disaster, unless something is done. Now this alien, who is watching us, he would be astonished, not just at the fact that it is not being discussed, but the fact that in the richest and most powerful country in world history, which is going to shape what happens for the future, there is a major political party, the one that happens to dominate Congress right now, which simply denies that it’s happening. They have a policy about global warming. Forget it. It’s not happening, OK?

It’s hard to find words to describe this. That means that in the most powerful country in world history, the most educated, with major advantages, a major political party is saying let’s race to the precipice as quickly as possible. And there’s no comment on it. Try to find a comment on that fact. I mean what it really means is that this is the most dangerous organization in world history.

The Republican Party?

Take a look. Is that an exaggeration? In the primary, the Republican primary, every single candidate said it’s not happening … with one exception, John Kasich, who is supposed to be the sensible, moderate. He said yes, it’s happening, but we shouldn’t do anything about it, which is worse. So that’s a 100% refusal, OK? The winning candidate denies that what’s happening, is happening, and says we should make it worse. We should use more fossil fuels, including coal, which is the most polluting, we should eliminate environmental regulations, we should refuse to help poorer countries move to sustainable energy, as was agreed in the Paris negotiations last year, which he wants to dismantle, so in other words, let’s race to the precipice as quickly as possible.

Meanwhile, the threat of nuclear war is increasing, with very provocative actions on both sides. And there is very little … Specialists are concerned, but it’s not part of the general kind of conversation. It’s not what you talk about with your friends when you go out for a cup of coffee.

It’s a depressing topic. But maybe the alien would agree that ignorance is bliss? Ignorance is bliss?

For a short time. Until it hits. And it’s not bliss for other people. It’s not bliss for the one person per second who is fleeing the effects of severe weather, drought, and so on. And these droughts, which are all over the place, are really having a big effect. The catastrophe in Darfour, or what’s now happening in Syria, which is horrible, are to a significant extent the result of severe droughts. Take Syria. Awful things are happening. Half a million people have been killed, millions are refugees. The country is being destroyed. Part of the reason is that several years before the conflict broke out there was a very severe drought in Syria.

Syria has been settled for thousands of years, it is the heart of human civilization, and there has never been anything like it, in all of history. A huge drought, that drove peasants off the land, they couldn’t farm, couldn’t survive. Drove them into cities, that means densely populated urban slums, lots of tension and conflict. All of that is kind of dry kindling. Drop a match on it and it explodes. It sets up the basis for conflict.

In Darfour, where there was again a huge catastrophe, a couple of years ago, but it’s still continuing, part of the reason is that terrible droughts had driven nomadic populations into agricultural settled areas in order to survive, which set up, of course, a conflict. If there is an invasion, what amounts to an invasion, of people trying to survive, it’s not pleasant, but that’s in large part the basis of what happened there. And there’s going to be more and more of it. And we’re going to have water wars, because water is scarce and not preserved.

Ignorance is bliss, if you can get yourself away from it, and not think about the near future, or about the future of your children, say. It’s not far off.

Ahm – want to talk about the American Empire?


Martin Luther King famously said: “The greatest purveyor of violence in the world today is my own government.” He meant the American government. He said that 50 years ago. Is that still true?

He said it at the peak of the Vietnam War, where American B52 bombers were carrying out saturation bombing in the densely populated Mekong Delta. Millions of people were killed, the country devastated … at about the time when he spoke, one of the leading specialists on Indochina, Bernard Fawl, a Vietnam historian, a military historian, who was by no means on the Left, he was strongly in favor of the US-backed Saigon government and US policy. He nevertheless pointed out that, as he put it, Vietnam as a historical and cultural entity may not survive the greatest onslaught against a population in an area this size in history. That’s when Martin Luther King spoke. Has it changed? Not that much.  

A couple of years ago … in 2003 the United States, along with Britain, invaded Iraq, killed hundreds of thousands of people, generated millions of refugees, all kinds of atrocities, torture and so on … instigated a sectarian conflict … there is a major split in the Islamic world, it goes back to the eighth century, which has been pretty amicable, just like Protestant and Catholic, kind of, not during period of the Great Wars, but during the peaceful periods. … In Iraq, the two groups were there, Shiite and Sunni, but they were intermingled, they intermarried, they lived in the same areas, sometimes people didn’t know who was who, you know. One of the effects of the American invasion, an almost immediate effect was to begin to instigate a sectarian conflict, which is now tearing Iraq apart; and it’s tearing the region apart. That’s a devastating effect, and we can go on, it’s not the only case.

Germany is like one of the leading arms exporting nations in the world; are we, as Germans, part of the problem as well?

Part, yes, of course. So, for example, inside NATO, during the Nineteen-Nineties, Turkey was carrying out terrifying atrocities against its own Kurdish population … tens of thousands were killed, about 3500 towns and villages were destroyed, hundreds of thousands, some say millions, of refugees fled the South-East of Turkey, there was every imaginable kind of torture and terror … Germany was selling arms to the government of Turkey. It wasn’t the leader – the Unites States was the leader, the big guy on the block, but Germany was participating as much as it could. And it’s not the only case.

You called Obama’s drone program, or drone-assassination program, the by far greatest terrorist campaign in the world. Does it mean Obama is a terrorist?

Well, it’s just – go back to that alien. Suppose he thought for a few minutes, and he asked himself, how would people in Germany be reacting if, say, Iran was … had a program in which sent people, assassins, around the world to murder people who were threatening Iran. For example the editors of the New York Times and the Washington Post, major newspapers, who run articles saying we should bomb Iran right now, not wait. Big articles. So suppose they figured, well, look, they’re threatening us, really seriously, they’re claiming they’re gonna destroy us, Let’s kill’em. And plenty of others, including, say, President Obama, who says “all options are open”, meaning including nuclear war, if Iran doesn’t do what we want. So, we’ll get rid o’ him, and plenty of people in Germany who are saying similar things. So how would people, say, young people in Germany react to those actions? Would they call them terrorism?


I think so. And that’s what we’re doing. The drone program is a program that is initiated, implemented, from the White House. Careful planning, they meet Tuesday morning, decide who’s on the kill list today, and kill people who are suspected of planning to harm the United States. Is that any different than killing the editors of the Washington Post or the New York Times? Because … there aren’t any … they’re not suspected, in fact, they publish articles saying “let’s bomb Iran right now”…

So, Obama is a terrorist?

Ask yourself how the alien would look at it. And … he’s a neutral observer. He … or she – we didn’t decide, but aliens are usually a he … so, how would he look at it?

How would Noam Chomsky look at it?

Aahm … you’ve quoted me …

And since Germany is part of the drone program, with … I don’t know, Ramstein, you know, Ramstein, they are the relais stations for the drones … are we also terrorists?

Sure. In fact not just that. You are torturers. Germany was involved in the rendition program. The worst form of torture. The most depraved form, and the most cowardly form is to take suspects and send them to terrorist countries where you know they’re gonna be tortured. That’s the peak. You send them to Syria, or Libya under Ghaddafi, and that’s the way you can make sure they’re gonna be tortured.

There was a study recently of the countries that participated in the … it’s called rendition, in the rendition program … and practically all of Europe … the Middle East, of course, because that’s where the suspects were sent to be tortured, by dictators, in fact the only part of the world that didn’t participate was South America, Latin America. They refused. Which is kind of interesting, for a number of reasons. For one thing, because they refused, for another, because not many years ago Latin America was the center of global torture. During the period of the US-backed, sometimes US-installed dictatorships of the Sixties, Seventies, Eighties, first Brazil, then Chile under Pinochet, then Argentina, which was the worst of all, others, Uruguay. There was horrible torture all over the place, not very long ago. But enough of a change has taken place that Latin America, virtually alone, didn’t participate in the most depraved, cowardly, disgusting form of torture, rendition. But Europe did.

So … let’s go back to the alien. I mean, he’s been watching for hundreds of thousands of years, he has seen empires rise and empires fall. And, basically the rule seems to be, every empire falls. But since the United States is the exceptional nation, maybe the American Empire is the exception to that rule? Will the American Empire fall?

If you had asked the question in 1850, Britain would have been the exception. It was ruling the waves, half, large parts of the world were red on the map, meaning dominated by Britain, it looked impregnable – you couldn’t have predicted its fall. You couldn’t have predicted the fall, in 1943, you couldn’t have predicted the fall of Hitler-Germany, 1942, maybe, it looked like it was conquering everything. In fact, if you go back to American planners, right through the Second World War, of course American leaders were planning how to run the war and what the post-war world would look like … and the United States happens to be a very open society, so we have a lot of information about what the government is doing, not like other societies, we are much more free …. And we know what they were planning. At that time, say, roughly 1942, you know, before Stalingrad, American planners assumed that the post-war world would be divided into an American-controlled world and a German-controlled world. Two worlds, the American-controlled world would of course have the Western hemisphere, take over the former British Empire, whatever they could hold on to in Eurasia, and the German-controlled world would have the rest. That’s what it looked like in 1942 … I’m old enough to remember it; I didn’t know it about the planning of course, but you could see what was happening in the world. And until the Russians turned the tide, and began to drive the German armies back, Stalingrad, Kursk, and so on, that’s the way it looked. Could you have predicted? Not really.

The American Empire is not what it was in 1945. As I mentioned, the world’s become considerably more diverse. So in 1945 the US had maybe half the world’s wealth, and today it has maybe a quarter, which is colossal, but not the same. And large parts of the world that were under US control or partially under US control, in 1945, are no longer. China for example. China became independent in 1949. There is a phrase for that in the West. It’s called “the Loss of China”, which is a very interesting phrase … when the alien observes and he notices we are calling it the Loss of China. I can’t lose your computer. I can lose my computer. If we lost China that means we owned China, and that’s the assumption. The tacit assumption is: We own it. It’s ours. And if it becomes independent, we’ve lost it. The “Loss of Indochina” was described the same way, it is an interesting mentality. But nevertheless, it has declined.

However, if you use different measures, you get a different picture. This is a different world than it was in the Nineteen-Forties. It’s a much more … in economic terms, it’s a more globalized world. Corporations, for example: In the Nineteen-Forties, they operated primarily in their home countries. And now they have global operations, so … I see you’ve got an iPhone, or whatever it is over there, something, one of those things … let’s say iPhones, which have been studied carefully. They are produced by Apple. They are assembled in South-East China, by a Taiwanese corporation, Foxconn. But Apple runs the whole operation, and if you look at the profits, they go back to Apple, overwhelmingly. Foxconn gets about 10%. China gets a little bit. They are the assembly plant for Foxconn, which is effectively a subsidiary of Apple. That’s globalized operations. And if you now look at the ownership of the world, which corporations basically own the world, it turns out that US corporations have about half of ownership of the world. So in some respects, it’s not very different from 1945. It’s not national territory that has half the world’s wealth, bus US-based corporations that do. That’s a change in the world system, a significant change, which hasn’t been sufficiently investigated. China has grown enormously, but it’s not among the top owners … if you look at Chinese corporations, they’re not the ones that run the world.

So yes, it’s a very different, complex world, changed in lots of ways. These international corporations, multi-nationals, are nationally based, so they rely on their home country, and the tax-payers in their home country … increasingly they don’t contribute to their home country. So take Apple again. It sets up a headquarters in Ireland, which may be, for all I know, the size of this office. And it says, OK, that’s our base. So we just pay Irish taxes, which happen to be very low. Luxembourg, even lower, Cayman Islands, even lower. Recently a study came out, the Panama Papers, it’s called. By now a couple of hundred journalists are trying to work through the hundreds of thousands of pages. Basically they are the records of a Panama-based law firm which is running techniques of tax evasion for corporations and wealthy people all over the world … trillions of dollars, tens of trillions of dollars being manipulated to avoid paying taxes in the home country, though they rely on the home country, for subsidy, for support, they rely in many ways.

Take a walk around MIT where we are now, just look at the buildings that are there. Notice who they are. You’ll see Novartis, Pfizer, other big pharmaceutical corporations, genetic engineering corporations and so on … What are they doing there? What they’re doing is ripping off publicly-funded research at MIT. And Harvard, mainly MIT. That’s a large part of the way the economy develops. The public pays for the research and development, the costly, risky phase, then hand it over to the private corporations for marketing and profit. And then they carry out their international operations, try to maximize profit, and very commonly work out devious techniques, so they don’t have to contribute to their home societies for … through taxes. That’s a large part of the modern world, a very substantial part.

So, is it an empire? We have to decide what we mean by the word. It’s a different kind of … form of international domination.

Do you think it’s gonna be the last empire? … The alien looks at it …

The alien who looks at it and looks at the way humans are responding to the current situation, would probably conclude that it’s quite likely that in another century human society will have disintegrated … because it will not be able to deal with the immense … it is not trying to deal with seriously, the immense problems it is facing, including …

I mentioned two, which are enormous, but there’s more than that. Another major problem is the threat of pandemics, diseases that can’t be controlled. That’s already happening. And it’s happening for important reasons. One major reason, which we haven’t mentioned, but the alien would notice, is industrial meat production. Industrial meat production is a huge contributor to global warming. It is an enormous producer of carbon dioxide and methane and other gases, but it also has another feature. Corporations pour antibiotics into these systems. Animals are crowded together in horrible conditions, and to prevent disease, and to maintain growth, there is an extensive use of antibiotics; an enormous part of the whole antibiotics production is for this. The use of antibiotics leads to mutations which make bacteria antibiotic-resistant, and by now the rate of antibiotic-resistant bacteria is growing faster than the techniques for dealing with them.  So we may be destroying ourselves in that way, too. There’s a lot of things the alien would notice that we should be noticing.

So are you a vegan?

I am not, but I can imagine that one would be. The crucial question in my view is not … I mean, individual actions are OK, they’re good to do, it’s good to use less energy, and so on. But what’s really needed is collective action to deal with the roots of the problem. I mean, if you are a vegan, let’s say, and you eat food, fruit and vegetables, that are transported from somewhere else, you’re contributing to the destruction of the environment. That’s what transport is. A lot of things to look at. We all make individual compromises, there is no choice. You can’t avoid it. Like, we’ve got the lights on. You’ve got the electricity, right?

But the crucial question is really institutional. How are we gonna deal with the institutions that are creating these systems?

Tell us.

Well, there is only one way that’s ever been discovered: Organized, collective action, which has led to a lot of changes. Take Germany: It’s not the same country it was seventy, eighty years ago. Why? Germans made it a different country. We can do the same. In fact, take, say, global warming: Germany is pretty advanced among countries of the world in trying to do something about it. That’s because Germans committed themselves to do something. We can do the same on the other issues. Take, say, the threat of nuclear war: Right now it’s mostly on the Russian border. On the Russian border, not the Mexican border. Now that’s a reflection of the scale of global power. Why … there’s provocations on both sides.

And Germany is right there, in fact, Germany is right in the center of it. The major issue had to do with Germany. Go back to 1991, end of the Soviet Empire. There was the question as to how the world system would be reconstructed with the Soviet system collapsing. There were two views. Gorbachev, the Russian leader, proposed a vision of a unified security system for all of Eurasia with no military blocs, just cooperative integration. That was one vision. The Americans, with President George Bush number one, and his Secretary of State James Baker, they had a different vision. The Russian system would collapse, and NATO would expand. Crucial question was Germany. For Russia it’s a pretty serious question. Germany alone had practically destroyed Russia twice during the preceding century, and earlier, other Western invasions, from Western Europe.

So what happened to Germany was going to be a serious question. Gorbachev agreed to allow Germany to be unified, East and West, and even to join NATO, a hostile military alliance, which was quite a concession. But there was an agreement, he thought, the agreement was that NATO would not expand one inch to the East. That was the phrase that was used, which meant East Germany. NATO immediately expanded to East Germany. When Gorbachev protested, the Americans pointed out, correctly, that it wasn’t a written agreement. It was just a verbal agreement, like a handshake. So, if you trust us, that’s kind of your problem. So NATO expanded to East Germany under … the following years under Clinton, it expanded to the former Russian Empire, all the way to the borders of Russia.

In 2008, and again in 2013, under Obama, NATO offered admission to NATO to Ukraine … Take a look at the map and [at] history. Ukraine is right in the geopolitical and strategic heartland of Russia, apart from long historical, other connections. Offering Ukraine NATO membership is a very serious threat to Russia. Western analysts understand that. Right now the United States, Obama, is placing a … what’s called a missile defense system in Romania. Now the pretense is that it is supposed to defend Europe from non-existent Iranian missiles, OK? You can believe that, you can also believe in Alice in Wonderland. It’s of course aimed against Russia, obviously. Furthermore, it’s understood by strategic analysts on all sides that what’s called missile defense is an offensive weapon. Nobody believes that missile defense could ever stop a first strike, but it is imaginable that it might deter a retaliatory strike, which means, it’s a first-strike weapon, and everyone understands that. It’s highly provocative. Now the Russians are carrying out a major military build-up of their own, modernizing forces, new missile systems, nuclear submarines with nuclear weapons, and so on … and you have constant threats right at the border. Jet planes of both sides kind of buzzing each other, and so on … could blow up.

Germany is sitting right there. Germany could play a leading role in trying to reduce these tensions, and in fact some German political leaders have called for that. But these are choices, and they are choices that the German people will have to make. Do we wanna have a nuclear war and destroy everything? Do we wanna wipe out the world with global catastrophes? That’s for people to decide.

Thanks so much for the alien perspective. We have to wrap it up. Thanks so much!

Producers of this episode:

Aaron Otholt
Achim Lorenz
Achim Lorenz
Adam Ambarzumjan
Adam Gniady
Adam Grabowski
Adrian Breitung
Agathe Bronikowski
Ahmad Farid
Alan Powell
Alexander Bartel
Alexander Berner-Gandra
Alexander Dalbert
Alexander Dr. v. Wolffersdorff
Alexander Elvers
Alexander Gadomski
Alexander Hofmann
Alexander Hollweck
Alexander Katzmann
Alexander Kohn
Alexander Kölling
Alexander Kopatz
Alexander Kromm
Alexander Kromm
Alexander Lau
Alexander Mut
Alexander Nudelmann
Alexander Penack
Alexander Plankel
Alexander Puell
Alexander Roske
Alexander Seltmann
Alexander Serve
Alexander Setzer
Alexander Triesch
Alexander Wilms
Alexander Zschach
Alfred Paul Loßow
Alfred Schmidt
Alfred Schwerdtner
Alina Hildegard Otte
Amon David Streck
Anastasia Tsakmaklis
Andre Berg
André Brinktrine
Andre Leinweber
Andre Schmidt
Andre Zbinden
Andrea Horstmann
Andreas & Ute Schuler
Andreas Bock
Andreas Boerner
Andreas Borger
Andreas Breuer
Andreas Burkard
Andreas Dohmeyer
Andreas Frizen
Andreas Göbelt
Andreas Hegenbart
Andreas Hüblein
Andreas Janning
Andreas Kasper
Andreas Keller
Andreas Kotes
Andreas Krause
Andreas Kusmierz
Andreas Leonhardus Klein
Andreas Muller
Andreas Rambow
Andreas Rau
Andreas Sawadsky
Andreas Schulze
Andreas Seelbach
Andreas Stuckl
Andreas Winkler
Andreas Zeil
Andrej Kunz
Andrej Tschernych
Andrej Tschernych
Andy Besirov
Angelo Hentzschel
Anika Fink
Anissa Fuger
Anja Körner
Anja Otto
Anna Eckhardt
Anna Rossel
Anna-Katharina Jung
Anneka Haak
Annekathrin Purann
Annette Schultheiss-Roche
Antiquariat Schröter
Antje Konopka
Anton Boye
Anton Harder
Arash Houshmand
Arash Houshmand
Arianna Carola
Armin Lipphardt
Armin Scheffer
Arne Bucker
Arne Malcharowitz
Arne Schwiethal
Arno Matthias
Arnold Niklas Johann
Artur Schulz
Arvid Schiller
Askan Brehm
Axel Proschko
Aybars Ayrikci
Aydin & Hatice Gol
Aydin Güven
Balthasar Wied
Bastian Boger
Beate Strecker
Beatrix Cecilie Herian
Behrens Marcus
Beihilfe-Partner UG
Ben Andersen
Ben-Said Sharif Samani
Benda Odo
Benedikt Baumgartner
Benedikt Kern
Benjamin & Denise Rosler
Benjamin Doberstein
Benjamin Fanselow
Benjamin Hamel
Benjamin Hansen
Benjamin Hassenpflug
Benjamin Karnik
Benjamin Kellers
Benjamin Kogler
Benjamin Lurz
Benjamin Pommeranz
Benjamin Ptok
Benjamin Rathgeber
Benjamin Rolof
Benjamin Schmidt
Benjamin Schmidt
Benjamin Schmitz
Benjamin Wilger
Benjamin Winkel
Bernd Janoske
Berndt Bellmann
Bernhard Behrendt
Bernhard Oberndorfer
Bernhard Roß
Bernhard Salewski
Bernhard Scholz
Berthold Busskamp
Bischoff T. U. C
Björn Faust
Björn Zahnow
Blask Johannes
Bodo Fritzsche
Boris Haselbach
Bunyamin Ince
Burak Ülger
Carlo Schopp
Carlos Dessbesell Schuler
Carmen Klein
Carsten Buchert
Carsten Czerner
Carsten Felsch
Carsten Paul
Carsten Paul
Carsten Schmidt
Cedric Becker
Cedric Becker
Cedric Neuland
Cengiz Koc
Cesar Lluberes
Charlotte Ender-Bollmann
Chris Hennig
Christian Alexander Schmid
Christian Bjoerkamo
Christian Boettcher
Christian Boettger
Christian Buggle
Christian Burgas
Christian Dobs
Christian Fernandes
Christian Fiedler
Christian Franek
Christian Frenzel
Christian Friedli
Christian Genzel
Christian Hansen
Christian Klemt
Christian Knell
Christian Koch
Christian Lux
Christian Marx
Christian Meng
Christian Möck
Christian Napoleone
Christian Paul
Christian und Christine Sch
Christian Weissmann
Christian Will
Christian Wirth
Christian Wolters
Christian Zintl
Christina Jalner
Christina Natalie Kötter
Christof Schmeißer
Christoph Banek
Christoph Fuerbahs
Christoph Gerdes
Christoph Heine
Christoph Kranzfelder
Christoph Kühn
Christoph Libutzki
Christoph Menzel
Christoph Minh
Christoph Olschowsky
Christoph Rossner
Christoph Steffin
Christoph Strümpfel
Christophe Braun
Christopher Silber
Christopher Voltemar
Christopher zum Bruch
Cintia Takacs
Claudia Haupt
Clemens Benkel
Clemens Kroschewski
Clemens Schmidt
Colin Orel
Constantin Bachmayer
Corinna Lambertz
Cornelius Padler
Costantino Gianfrancesco
Cristian Kubis
Cyrill Schoeni
D Rakul
Damian Schumachers
Daniel Abt
Daniel Abt
Daniel Balzer
Daniel Blohm
Daniel Braasch
Daniel Czerwonk
Daniel da Silva
Daniel Dormann
Daniel Eckardt
Daniel Egert
Daniel Ewigkind
Daniel Färber
Daniel Linke
Daniel Henig
Daniel Klemp
Daniel Lilienthal
Daniel Niehaus
Daniel Nigl
Daniel Oliveira Carneiro
Daniel Ovadia
Daniel Pleier
Daniel Pohl
Daniel Polej
Daniel Schroers
Daniel Voll
Daniel Zikow
Danilo Vogt
Danny Pitz
Danny Sotzny
Daria Bubnow
Dario Böhm
Dario Cavestri
Darius Küller
David Alexander Wolf
David Bubeck
David Buschendorf
David Hoberg
David Hoffmann
David Jacoby
David Kohn
David Kohnert
David Lerch
David Meyer
David Mulder
David Ommen
David Schmiedeke
David Vlachakis
Demian Poecker
Denis Schopper
Denis Witt
Deniz Muller
Deniz Özdemir
Dennis Brillowski
Dennis K.
Dennis Kiel
Dennis Matthey
Dennis Mitze
Dennis Stracke
Dennis Strömer
Denny Knäbke
Detlef Aue & Christine Reiche
Detlef Breitenbach
Dietmar Thal
Dilan Mahmoud
Dimitri Eiber
Dirk Heubel & Paul Goetz
Dirk Jagdmann
Dirk Kasten
Doerte von DC
Dominic Schuh
Dominik Apanowicz
Dominik Hornung
Dominik Kilburger
Dominik Leuser
Dominik Schmoldt
Dominik Schneider
Dominik Suchcicki
Donald Guß
Doreen Moschke
Doreen Rapp
Dragomir Janjic
Edgar Nazarenus
Eike Baran
Eike Schmid
Elias Grünewald
Emanuel Zylla
Emanuele Horst
Emil Duebell
Enrico Stander
Enzo Brandt
Eric Alexander Meier
Eric Hartmann
Eric Hildebrandt
Eric Mischke
Eric Schmitt
Erik Schafer
Erkan Demirez
Ernst Banwinkler
Ernst Eberhardt
Evangelos Mitrou
Fabian Brandstätter
Fabian Dominik Eick
Fabian Etzel
Fabian Ewers
Fabian Grage
Fabian Junge
Fabian Pegel
Fabian Prutsch
Fabian Schneider
Fabian Soermann
Fabian Walch
Fabien Doury
Fabien Gehle
Fabio Alexander Voss
Fabio Almeida
Falk Brauer
Faris Hashash
Felipe Arguello
Felix Bildau
Felix Boennhoff
Felix Bossu
Felix Burckhardt
Felix Feuchtinger
Felix Förster
Felix Haehne
Felix Kaule
Felix Kraut
Felix Lucka
Felix Müller
Felix Nathanson
Felix Peters
Felix Reher
Felix Ritter
Felix Schulz
Felix Sievers
Felix Steins
Ferdinand Pastor
fexon e.K.
Fidan Rifat Furkan
Filip Miszkowicz-Adamowicz
Finn Brandt
Fionn Grose
Fliesenfachmarkt Baetcke
Florian Andreas Hinne Lahl
Florian Bauer
Florian Braun
Florian Falk
Florian Feldmann
Florian Fischer
Florian Fürstenau
Florian Gössele
Florian Gottschling
Florian Heidinger
Florian Herzog
Florian Leyrer
Florian Naumann
Florian Prinz
Florian Risch
Florian Scherer
Florian Schmidt
Florian Schweizer
Florian Stimpfle
Florian Uhlitz
Florian Urban
Florian Waleska
Florian Westermann
Florian Wittenbecher
Frank Corsten
Frank Dratsdrummer
Frank Klebs
Frank Schneehage
Frank Tentler
Frank Tinschert
Frank Uhlig
Franz Christoph Kruetzmann
Franz Christopher Kruetzman
Franz-Jose Hera
Franziska Schlott
Franziska von Kempis
Frederic Kindervater
Frederik Trommer
Friedrich Dehn
Fritz Laser
Furkan Arslan
Gabriel Gallegos-Hauler
Gabriel Ruth
Georg Fütterer
Georg Ortner
Georg Weidel
Georgina Haferkamp
Gerhard Hagerer
Gernot Engler
Gernot Moser
Gernot Rost
Gero Wolf Adolphs
Gesine Wittrich
Gian Pankonin
Gianpiero-Alessandro Potenza
Giuliano Pierino Fuchs
Gokalp Artas
Gregor Rensch
Gregor Volkmann-Wendt
Gudrun Lieselotte Lob
Guido Müllerke
Gunnar Hemmerling
Gunnar Wolf
Günter Starke
Habib Awada
Hamid Sarbaz
Hanna Fuchs
Hannah Muth
Hannelore Weber
Hannes Alt
Hannes Neurath
Hannes Ramm
Hans Gaentzsch
Hans Gaentzsch
Hans Meier
Hans-Georg Dueck
Hans-Martin Hörtling
Harald Bieder
Harald Blankenburg
Harald Mittermair
Harald Schiffl
Harald Schiffl
Harald Schiffl & Peter Dale Scott
Harald Tammen
Harry Walker
Hauke Adler
Heiko Ammeter
Heiko Firle
Heiko Gräther
Heiko Linke
Heiko Mehlhop
Heinz-Erik Decker
Hendrik Elbracht
Hendrik Herzmann
Hendrik Wallbaum
Henning Bitsch
Henning Francke
Henning Löseke
Henning Schuett
Henric Lehmann
Henrik Arnold
Henrik Losch
Henrik Peters
Henrik Seyfried
Hermann Marlow
Hinrich Carstensen
Holger B Schäfer
Holger Konig
Holger Nehrkorn
Holger Schmidt
Holger Schonhardt
Hussein Atris
Ian Beuchel
Ilja Kassimi
Ilja Kunz
Ilja Modrau
Ilko Eichelmann
Iman Mohammadi
Ines Wischnowski
Inga Pfeffer
Inge Fiedler
Ingmar Domrös
Ingo Siegert
Isabel Schünemann
Isabel Teusch
Isabelle Pohl
Ismet Karaoglan
Israa Amr
Jacob Borner
Jacob Sommer
Jacob Wieland
Jahn Mertel
Jakob Berger
Jakob Crasemann
Jakob Goerke
Jakob Moser
Jalal Benkirane
Jan & Daniela Hahn
Jan Geffert
Jan Germann
Jan Knaak
Jan Kohl
Jan Kreitzscheck
Jan Kutyma
Jan Mayer
Jan Rauschning-Vits
Jan Sauerstein
Jan Silbersiepe
Jan Studt
Jan Tobias Baldauf
Jan Wokittel
Jan Würtl
Jan-Jakob Buhre
Jan-Torge Schindler
Janis Henkel
Janis Uttich
Jannick Fröse
Jannik Gronemann
Jannik Schafer
Jannis Franzen
Jannis Franzen
Janosch Hermann
Janosch Ott
Janosch Reppnow
Jaqueline Fank
Jasmin Khosravie
Jasper Schmidt
Jean-Marie Noel
Jeanette Frischwasser
Jennifer Drews
Jenny Sting
Jens Möller
Jens Tessner
Jens Weinreich
Jens-Rene Giesen
Jeroen Andreß
Jerome Rieper
Joachim Weber
Jochen Flosdorff
Jochen Heute
Joel Birrer
Joel Wantz
Jögr Brüggemann
Johann Egger
Johann Hennemann
Johann Leander Frei
Johanna Nickel
Johanna Peters
Johannes Adelmann
Johannes Bender
Johannes Erd
Johannes Gross
Johannes Güth
Johannes Hauck
Johannes Herl
Johannes Hortlik
Johannes Krupp
Johannes Kuhlmeier
Johannes Lauersdorf
Johannes Moehl
Johannes Pardovicki
Johannes Rhedas
Johannes Schwabauer
Johannes Struzek
Johannes Vix
Johannes Werner
Johannes Zelger
John Oliver Doerksen
John-Sebastian Hetsch
Jonas Frank
Jonas Gassenschmidt
Jonas Gerd Leichsenring
Jonas Hess
Jonas Hoechst
Jonas Jankowski
Jonas Knecht
Jonas Kusel
Jonas Lanfermann
Jonas Maximilian Baierlein
Jonas Mehmood
Jonas Nabbefeld
Jonas Schneider
Jonas Schonfelder
Jonas Schüle
Jonas Terbrack
Jonas Tünte
Jonas Unterricker
Jonas Wisplinghoff
Jonas Witte
Jonathan Bohlen
Jonathan Kossick
Jonathan Saudhof
Jorg Engels
Jorg Reimann
Jörg Wollbrück
Joris Ufer
Jörn Klingebeil
Joscha Grunewald
Josef Antal
Joseph Gawlick
Joseph Hochscherf
Joshua Balz
Joshua Weigand-Suminski
Josias Florian Hornstein
Julia Martin
Julia Schumacher
Julia Spann
Julian Berger
Julian Christopher Hesse
Julian Heister
Julian Kazmierczak
Julian Kuntzsch
Julian Kutscha
Julian Mutz
Julian Seiler
Julian Wunsch
Julien Roth
Julius Haacke
Julius Hass
Julius Kinzelmann
Julius Klug
Julius Trepl
Justin Feyer
Justus Obermeyer
Jutta Cailloux
Kai Janßen
Kai Krotzmann
Kai Ottlik
Kai Schmitz
Kai Viertel
Kannika Thaimai & Robert Tim
Karin Nuding
Karl Knobloch
Karl Köhnlein
Karl Ulrich Burkamp
Karlheinz Mueller
Karsten Joscha
Katharina Frank
Katharina Frank
Katharina Grundel
Katharina Halbach
Kathleen Siermann
Kathrin Meitzner
Kathrin Rueß

Katina Padikidou
Katja Seeliger
Katrin Ardissone
Katrin Leinweber
Kay Komkov
Kerstin Buck
Kevin Diedrich
Kevin Keidel
Kevin Pohl
Kimi Orban
Klaas Degkwitz
Klaas Hermanns
Klaus Erdel
Klepp Jakob
Kolja Seibert
Konrad Beutner
Konrad Koehn
Konrad Strehle
Konstantin Bruckert
Konstantin Scheffler
Korena Knuth
Kristina Lorrek
Kristof Uhlig
Ladislaus Schulmeister
Ladislav Nikolas Krutisch
Lars Conrad
Lars Nielsen
Lars Stolte
Laszlo Johl
Laura Giannina Danneberg
Laura Lizama
Laura Weitze
Laurens Dreesen
Laurens Dreesen
Lea Blumensaat
Lea Eckert
Lehnen Christoph
Lena Landmann
Lennard Buch
Lennard Ostendorf
Lennart Heim
Leo Faulhaber
Leon Bajrami
Leon Handreke
Leon Schlechtendahl
Leonard Frach
Leonard Pohl
Leonard Werner
Leonard Wolf
Leonardo Cherchi
Leonhard Thomas Eduard Balk
Lev Martin Becker
Levin Scholl
Linda Coldewey
Linus Stubert
Lion Bieler
Lisa Goerke
Lobosch Pannewitz
Loqmane Hedir
Lothar Wegel
Louis Ziegler
Luca Hagedorn
Luca Steeb
Lucas Anstotz
Lucas Grahl
Lucas Wirth
Ludwig Hoffmann
Ludwig Knockl
Ludwig Noack
Ludwig Thomas Ipach
Luis Heizmann
Lukas Attermeier
Lukas Baake
Lukas Hilfrich
Lukas Korn
Lukas Krause
Lukas Krull
Lukas Pollmann
Lukas Roland Helfinger
Lukas Schellenberger
Lukas Schweizer
Lukas Vincentz
Lukas Wagner
Lukas Zeller
Lukas Ziegler
Luna Beck
Lydia Walka
Lydia Wolf
M. Feinweber
Magnus Bartels
Magnus Knuth
Maik Globisch
Maik Lagodzki
Maik Lagodzki
Maik Sarodnick
Maik Seehafer
Maik Weidlich
Maikel Schmaling
Malte Hedderich
Malte Hürten
Malte Krohn
Malte Schirmacher
Malte Zander
Malte Zietsch
Manfred Saborowski
Manfred Streuber
Manuel Groß
Manuel Klein
Manuel Weber
Manuel Wenk
Marc Bebenroth
Marc Bühler
Marc Dorka
Marc Ebelt
Marc Eckert
Marc Fischer
Marc Freudenberg
Marc Häußer
Marc Loehrwald
Marc Michalsky
Marc Nicolai
Marc Schlüter
Marc Schoenefeld
Marcel Hartwig
Marcel Hindrichs
Marcel Hofmann
Marcel Karlowski
Marcel Koch
Marcel Mayer
Marcel Morthorst
Marcel Schmidt
Marcel Schubert
Marcel Simon
Marcel Spitzer
Marcel Spitzer
Marcel Usai
Marcel Wiegand
Marco Engelke
Marco Hochmuth
Marco Martsch
Marco Räth
Marco Schanz
Marco Schille
Marco Schille
Marcus Degenkolbe
Marcus Eggert
Marcus Graeser
Marcus Hardt
Marcus Köllmann
Marcus Müller
Marcus Olk
Marcus Paul Udel
Marcus Schmitz
Marcus Stotz
Marcus Thielen
Marcus Wilke
Mareike Foecking
Marek Karakasevic
Marek Pawel Checinski
Maresa Jung
Maria Lutze
Maria Rabia Rossmanith
Marian Sievers
Marianne Pfefferkorn
Marie – Kristin Möller
Mario Teikner
Marion Wagner
Marion Wurbs
Marius Alexander
Marius Lauer
Marius Liedtke
Marius Oppolzer
Marius Sparn
Mark Wehrmann
Marko Schmidt
Marko Vastag
Markus Bohm
Markus Fendt
Markus Feninger
Markus Gasser
Markus Harth
Markus Johannes Winkler
Markus Koeppen
Markus Manherz
Markus Moors
Markus Schlein
Markus Schwilk
Markus Stottut
Markus Thom
Markus Ullmann
Martin Albrecht
Martin Benkenstein
Martin Ebschner
Martin Ebschner
Martin Fechner
Martin Fernandez
Martin Helmert
Martin Hempel
Martin Herzog
Martin Hoch
Martin Leidl
Martin Mandla-Liebsch
Martin Meyer
Martin Reimann
Martin Schrade
Martin Stappen
Martin Strobl
Martin Strzempek
Martin Walla
Martin Wiesneth
Mathias Gerchel
Mathias Gruensteidl
Mathias Hoerlesberger
Mathias Rumpf
Mathias Steinhoff
Mathurin Arthur Choblet
Matteo Schwanengel
Matthias & Doroth Strobel
Matthias Dransfeld
Matthias Ehrich
Matthias Gaebel
Matthias Hartmann
Matthias Holzmann
Matthias Jakob
Matthias Kelsch
Matthias Kuderer
Matthias Pahlke
Matthias Redies
Matthias Schmidt
Matthias Sebastian Gubig
Matthias Storck
Matthias Vaterrodt
Matthias Weinzierl
Matthias Werner
Maurice Baudet von Gersdorf
Max Heupel
Max Rieger
Max Ziebell
Maxi Sanya Kerstin Winter
Maxim Klymovych
Maximilian Briechle
Maximilian Chris Kindshofer
Maximilian Gellner
Maximilian Greger
Maximilian Keuper
Maximilian Kindshofer
Maximilian König
Maximilian Kremers
Maximilian Schalch
Maximilian Schalch
Maximilian Stropp
Maximilian Walter
Mecnun Sogukcesme
Merter Dülgar
Meyer Reinhold
Michael Eckert
Michael F. Stoerzer
Michael Fley
Michael Gasch
Michael Goder
Michael Gress
Michael Gude
Michael Haasl
Michael Heckmann
Michael Herbst-Gompper
Michael Janek
Michael Jung
Michael Kasper
Michael Lenk
Michael Meyer
Michael Neumann
Michael Nitsch
Michael Prummer
Michael Quessel
Michael Schuette
Michael Thome
Michael Werner
Michael Wolf
Michael Wurster
Michael Wurster
Michaela Glisic
Milan Kendal Yakut
Milan Röger
Milovan Zivkovic
Mohamed Bitar
Monica und Guido Gdowzok
Moritz Christian Alexander Lechner
Moritz Hemmann
Moritz Kraemer
Moritz Ludecke
Moritz Sauer
Moritz Schiek
Moritz Willy Becher
Morten Reinfried
Morten Reinfried
Mr J Reinhardt
Mustafa Piri
Mw S Witt
Nadine Göhler

Nadja Lösch

Nanno Peters
Nasima o.Dimitri Rebrikov
Natalie Ehemann
Natalie-Veronique Sarah Luc
Natasa Zorica-Vieregge
Nathalie Cveta Rajevic
Nathalie Reihlen-Kerman
Navid Schlossbauer
Neo Khala
Nico Hemling
Nico Kaestner
Nico Krafczyk
Nico Kranefeld
Nicole Buschgens
Nicole Rauch
Niklas Deckmann
Niklas Kröger
Niko Abeler
Niko Thomas
Nikolaj Frank
Nikolaos Davaris
Nils Greffenius
Nils Hartwig
Nils Kadoch
Nils Kunz
Nils Tekampe
Nils Torbohm
Nils-Christian Iseke
Norbert Busch
Norman Hantke
Norman Hein
Nur Sahin
Olaf Klischat
Olaf Struck
Ole Lüerßen
Oliver Baumgart
Oliver Baumholzer
Oliver Böhm
Oliver Brose
Oliver Effland
Oliver Flieth
Oliver Gorges
Oliver Ihrens
Oliver Schmidt
Oliver Vogel
Ottlik Kai
Otto Höffmann
Özgür Kesim
Pantleon Stellan
Pascal Brendelberger
Pascal Klein
Pascal Schorde
Patrice Fuchsa
Patrick Alavi
Patrick Baur
Patrick Bucher
Patrick Elbert
Patrick Gillitzer
Patrick James Brock
Patrick Koch
Patrick Marco Heller
Patrick Philipiak
Patrick Reschke
Patrick Steigerwald
Patrick Strobel
Patrick Tschorn
Patrick Tzschanter
Patrick Winter
Patrick Zeising
Patrik Toffl
Paul Bastian
Paul Eduard Koenig
Paul Huizing
Paul Kasper
Paul Koenig
Paul Kummetz
Paul Ludwig Wienroeder
Paul Radvan
Paul Schulz
Paulina Quenzer
Peer-Ive Penseler
Peter Bartesch
Peter Farag
Peter Gruettner
Peter Gruettner
Peter Heidkamp
Peter Hermann
Peter Krebber
Peter Mann
Peter Melinat
Peter Rode
Peter Schmid
Peter Schwibs
Peter Skarupa

Peter Stephan (bonntv)

Peter von Zameck Glyscinski
Peter Wesemann
Petr Mejzlik
Petra Jager
Philip Morawietz
Philip Wieters
Philipp de Gruyter
Philipp Frick
Philipp Hauser
Philipp Justus Saul
Philipp Koch
Philipp Köhler
Philipp König
Philipp Schüpbach
Philipp Schwarz
Philipp Sosong
Pierre Palmaricciotti
Pius Friesch
Pujan Dashti
Radvan Paul
Raffael Zabre
Ralf Deutschmann
Ralf Haug
Ralf Wezel
Ralf Zmoelnig
Raphael Foltin
Raphael Lochner
Rashid Fazal Choudhary
Rasmus Otto
Relana Streckenbach
Remi Kirmes
Ren. Buchholz
Rene Kindermann
Rene Kleile
Rene Rimkus
René Schwimmer
Rene Unger
Rene Westhoff
René Wilhelm
Ricardo Happeck
Riccardo Lamanna
Richard Janis Goldschmidt
Rick Grap
Robert Back
Robert Buschmann
Robert Fernando Lams
Robert Heuer
Robert Keitel
Robert Keitel
Robert Ludewig
Robert Martin Claus Debus
Robert Schoene
Robert Schreiber
Robert Wendt
Robert Woisetschlaeger
Roberto Reyes
Robin Arnscheidt
Robin Kleinbauer
Robin Koppel
Robin Leferink
Robin Peller
Robin Piniek
Robin Stenke
Robin Weber
Robin Weisberg
Rogelio Michel
Roland Radeke
Rolf Ingo Eichler
Roman Grasmik
Roman Leon Gallus
Roman Ließner
Romario Muza
Romi Domkowsky
Ron Schneider
Ronald Sacher
Ronny Lars Penzel
Rosalie Röhr
Rosemarie Kabiri
Rossen Schechredski
Royal Design Werbeagentur
Rudolf Wachtel
Rudolph Marsch
Ruedi Beckmann
Rula Gianouchailidou-Schenk
Salah Hassanin
Salomon Sickert
Samuel Nicolas Tayo Herold
Samuel Witten
Sandra Gätke
Sandra Hoffmann
Sandra Meier
Sandra Wiegard
Sandro Junghans
Sascha Alexander Haber
Sascha Berndt
Sascha Klingenberg
Sascha Oswald
Sascha Wirfler
Sebastian Behnen
Sebastian Blechschmidt
Sebastian Blechschmidt
Sebastian Dähne
Sebastian Drein
Sebastian Elsner
Sebastian Flack
Sebastian Giese
Sebastian Göhs
Sebastian Gonschor
Sebastian Haukamp
Sebastian Hocht
Sebastian Hudak
Sebastian Josef Wirthmuelle
Sebastian Katz
Sebastian Köhler
Sebastian Kunze
Sebastian Kunze
Sebastian Mohrhenn
Sebastian Niedzielski
Sebastian R Grunwald
Sebastian Schubert
Sebastian Wagner
Sebastian Wehrle
Sebastian Wendt
Sebastian Wolf
Sebastian Wolf
Serkan Özcan
Shahak Shapira
Shahnawaz Mian
Shayan Zakerzadeh
Siegfried Streicher
Siegmar Sokolowski
Simon Bleeker
Simon Braun
Simon Cerezo
Simon Herm
Simon Herzog
Simon Hilner
Simon Iwanow
Simon Kern
Simon Kleinfeld
Simon Middelkoop
Simon Motschenbacher
Simon Ortmann
Simon Philipp Fleischmann
Simon Schlotterer
Simon Seiffert
Simon Siedentopf
Simone Lotzmann
Sina Pfister
Sinje Marx
Sito Schwarzenberger
Soeren Totzauer
Solveig Witt
Sonja Feierabend
Sontka Ute Romaneessen
Sophie Halina Golasz
Sören Hasselmann
Sören Lubitz
Sprachwerk e.V.
Stefan & Mahela Schramm
Stefan Brunnert
Stefan Büssemaker
Stefan Foth
Stefan Friesel
Stefan Graczyk
Stefan Haessler
Stefan Huber
Stefan Leye
Stefan Marre
Stefan Mommer
Stefan Polster
Stefan Prenner
Stefan Pröschel
Stefan Rekling
Stefan Schulze
Stefan Seibert
Stefan Ziegler
Stefan Zurucker-Burda
Stefanie Knaab
Stefano Di Martino
Stefanos Alvertis
Steffen Bohr
Steffen Heyer
Steffen Hinterberger
Steffen Krueger
Steffen Lambrecht
Steffen Röber
Stephan Gerboth
Stephan Haendel
Stephan Henselin
Stephan Kniest
Stephan Leibelt
Stephan Lesch
Stephan Lorenz
Stephan Nebe
Stephan Schuster
Stephan Sieben
Stephan Unger
Stephan-Alexander Meyer
Stephanie Brüggeshemke
Stephanie Holstein
Stephanie Wieland
Stephen Stegmaier
Steve Korzinetzki
Steve Meier
Steve Meszaros
Steve Ruschmann
Steven Hartig
Steven Lindenau
Susanne & Thomas Haak
Susanne Krenkel
Sven Artur Sutterlin
Sven Baldauf
Sven Bendig
Sven Benthin
Sven Gerhardt
Sven Kuhfeldt
Sven Lauts
Sven Schwöbken
Sven Ziebold
Svenja Bierwirth
T.M Kempter
Tamer Güner
Tanja Hackl
Tanja Paskalew
Tassilo Weidner
Temel Balci
Thaifu Lacour
Theo Herzog
Thilo Aßmann
Thomas Buenger
Thomas Diehl
Thomas Fragstein
Thomas Grimm
Thomas Guldener
Thomas Hartmann
Thomas Knorr
Thomas Leidel
Thomas Lünenbach
Thomas Meiner
Thomas Oetjen
Thomas Peußer
Thomas Preindl
Thomas Richter
Thomas Rossmann
Thomas Schönberger
Thomas Schreiter
Thomas Schwarz
Thomas Sopot
Thomas Volksdorf
Thomas Weispfenning
Thomas Zaremba
Thomas Zimmermann
Thorge Detlefsen
Thorsten Altmann
Thorsten Biegner
Thorsten Uphues
Thorsten Uphues
Tihomir Bicanic
Till Arfsten
Till Fischer
Till Fischer
Till Hofmann
Till Jorde
Tilman Haupt
Tilman Schlosser
Tim Carmele
Tim Conradi
Tim Gernitz
Tim Hans Arnold
Tim Lange
Tim Luft
Tim Meseke
Tim Wappler
Timm Suchard
Timo Altfelde
Timo Henne
Timo Knop
Timo Schaper
Timo Schmitt
Tina Goldschmidt
Tino Waschk
Tino Zunft
Tobias Angele
Tobias Boelter
Tobias Brehm
Tobias C.
Tobias Carstensen
Tobias Frahm
Tobias Frahm
Tobias Fuchs
Tobias Hermann
Tobias Klasse
Tobias Kütscher
Tobias Loffler
Tobias Lutz-Bachmann
Tobias Muz
Tobias Nousch
Tobias Petersohn
Tobias Pingel
Tobias Pooch
Tobias Schreiber
Tobias Schulze
Tolleiv Nietsch
Tom Henke
Tom Jakobs
Tom Wassilewsky
Toni Klatt
Torben Stallmann
Torsten Hornauer
Torsten Keilholz
Torsten Kempa
Torsten Wetzel
Tristan Behr
Udo Pfister
Ugur Aktas
Ulrike Brunner
Uta Kerscher
Uwe Baur
Uwe Pulsfort
Uwe Weissenbacher
Valentin Groß
Van Duc Nguyen
Vanessa Edmeier
Varun Sjöberg
Vassilios Katsaros
Verena Hausser
Viktor Bulach
Viktor Kudrischow
Viktor Lutz
Viktor Lutz
Vincent Andrae
Vincent Kretschmer
Vincent Spanjaart
Vinci Camara
Vinzent Rolny
Vivian Fischer
Volker Dinges
Volker Huhnke
Volker Schmid
Wahram Andrikyan
Walter Friedmann
Welcom Studios
Werner Beyer Buchladen Neuer Weg
Wilfried Dalvai
Willi Steinhauer
Willy Brandt
Wilts Arved Marx
Wladimir Spindler
Wolfgang Baum
Wolfgang Egger
Wolfgang Roesner
Wulf Mirko Weinreich
Wynton Engeland
Yannick Reich
Yaron Mählmann
Yassin Schniederbernd
Youri Fabian Becker
Yvonne Filipp
Yvonne Stolterfoht
Zerrin Labay y Monzo
Zorbach Roland
Zsa-Zsa Prokscha

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