Glenn Greenwald is best known for his role in a series of reports on the classified information made public by whistleblower Edward Snowden, a series which won the 2014 Pulitzer Prize for Public Service. In February 2014 he became, along with Laura Poitras and Jeremy Scahill, one of the founding editors of The Intercept.
Tilo meets Glenn in his home in Rio where they talk about Edward Snowden as a „Russian spy“, as German domestic spy chief Hans-Georg Maaßen claimed (starting at 1:15 min). Glenn then explains the political situation in Brazil. Why is Dilma Rousseff being ousted? What’s happening in Brazil? Who’s taking over? And why? (7:00 min)
In the final part (25:40 min) of the interview Tilo asks Glenn about the American Presidential race of Hillary Clinton versus Donald Trump. Is the race the ultimate reality show? Why are the two most hated politicians in America the final two choices? Is Hillary Clinton „the lesser of two evils“? Should we be scared of Donald Trump? What makes him uniquely dangerous? Is Trump the problem or just a symptom of the American political system?
Glenn Greenwald on Jung & Naiv, Episode 168 „American Empire“
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